
Fight Club (1999 David Fincher)

Wednesday 24 June 2015

My Generation Homework

left image - real Time magazine cover, right image, spoof 'rebuttal' of that cover)

Have a look at the previous post on generations and their identity. Look at the links for Millenials. 

Here are some of the key ones:

Your task is to create a profile of the identity of 'Generation Y' or 'Millenials' (people born somewhere between the late 1980's to the early 2000's). 

Your profile should include representations and examples of subcultures,  historical events (such as the London Riots, Stop The War protests or University Fee's demonstrations) important social factors (such as the legalisation of gay marriage) and specific examples of media texts.

Try to include examples from as many media industries as you can, such as;
  • TV
  • Web 2.0 & Social Media (Tumblr, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud, Vine, etc.)
  • Film
  • News & Press Coverage
  • Music & Radio
  • Music Videos
You should focus on both how your generation creates identity and represents itself, as well as how it is depicted and represented, and if that representation is mostly created by the media. 

As an extension try to link this to some of the work of the theorists we have already looked at, or find your own examples of theoretical study and understanding. 

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