
Fight Club (1999 David Fincher)
Showing posts with label Stuart Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stuart Hall. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Mediation and Mediated Identity - Theories and Homework

Here is my powerpoint on Mediation, Negotiation, and the Mediated nature of collective identity.

The important thing to grasp is the idea of a negotiated sense of identity that we create in combination with both ourselves and our media role models and influences.

In other words we create our identity based on the media we consume and the people in the media we see, in combination with our own personality. (Hall, Poletta & Jasper, & Gauntlett both can support this).

De Zengotita believes that as we assimilate almost all information and messages via the media, that our identity is now almost entirely mediated (negotiated between the media and the audience.)

Whereas Althusser believes we are constructed by the media, and believe its messages to be real, and that we as individuals do not affect this (everyone is affected in the same way)

Mediation and Collective Identity

For your homework can you think of and find answers and examples to the following questions:

  1. Can you personally relate to the idea of creating identity using the media? Are there any characters or media personalities who you feel represent you?
  2. Can you think of any examples of Collective Identities being heavily influenced and define themselves by the media? Particularly youth sub-cultures that are often defined by the type of media they consume:
  3. Are there identities that are often constructed then perpetuated by the media? Eg. ‘The Chav’ Or are there individuals? Eg. Amy Winehouse
  4. How can these media identities influence others? Eg ‘Skins Parties’
  5. In an Internet ‘We Media’ world how can we use the media to create identities? Eg. Online Fandoms, YouTube, instagram